Ages: 6 weeks - 15 months
(Note: 15 months is the approximate transition age.)
Infants need a loving and consistent environment to thrive in. They need to know the same caring person is there when they are in distress and can read their cues to tell if they are hungry, wet or tired. They need the right amount of stimulation and the freedom to explore the world! They also need adults who encourage them and take pleasure in their skills and accomplishments. We will give all that and more to your infant every day.
A daily written lesson plan will assist the teachers in introducing activities that will help the babies reach their developmental milestones: reaching, grasping, passing objects from hand to hand, smiling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking! They will develop meaningful language....okay, we might not know what they are truly saying, but it is meaningful communication!We follow your child's daily schedule for eating, sleeping and playing. It is important for us to have excellent communication with you as your child grows so we all know when their habits begin to change and how that is affecting their day. We want to get your child outside in the fresh air each day so always send them with the appropriate clothing.
It is your responsibility to send "ready to go" formula in bottles each day as well as their baby food. As your child develops, we will introduce the sippy cup, and, with your direction, introduce milk. As your child begins table foods we will introduce foods at snack time. Parents supply diapers, wipes, and cremes.
Infants less than 12 months of age will sleep in cribs and we will supply the crib sheets. Parents may provide their own sheets if sensitivity exists. After they celebrate their first birthday, children will be introduced to sleeping on a cot.
Each day, a report will be sent home tracking feedings, diapering, sleeping, mood and any special things that happened. Your child's primary caregiver will fill that out and be your main contact person. She will build a special relationship with your child. When your child is ready to transition into the Ones Room, their primary caregiver will help them build new relationships with new caregivers.
For those over 12 months of age, caregivers will help children to learn habits and skills they will need for the toddler room. They will be introduced to "big kid" chairs, sitting at a table, and eating with spoons. Around 15 months, children will move to the Toddler room, and having these skills under their belts will make it a lot easier.